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  1. This report contains information relating to higher education (HE) provision and attainment in higher education institutions (HEIs) and colleges in Scotland. Student data from Scottish HEIs and colleges have been combined to allow reporting on all HE provision delivered in Scotland. HE consists of courses delivered at SCQF level 7 and above. See the SCQF Interactive Framework for a breakdown of qualifications at each level.

  2. For academic year 2022-23 Jisc introduced a new data platform and a new model for their student record. HEIs faced notable challenges in making their student returns for 2022-23. Changes to how certain information is now collected in the student record and the transition to using the new Student record have both impacted the publication population. A full account data quality for the 2022-23 student collection can be found in HESA’s quality report and the data insights tool. Affected statistics have been highlighted in the text of this publication and in related background tables.


Figure 1: Entrants to Higher Education Courses at Scottish Institutions by Level of Study, 2013-14 to 2022-22

Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 4,090 27,290 47,855 29,485 26,650
2014-15 4,175 27,935 48,075 28,215 25,255
2015-16 4,175 28,630 49,095 28,215 24,975
2016-17 4,165 31,200 50,245 29,700 24,480
2017-18 4,365 33,610 51,690 28,855 23,310
2018-19 4,510 35,345 52,565 27,860 23,630
2019-20 4,240 40,195 53,035 27,140 22,555
2020-21 4,535 49,250 57,030 29,550 23,345
2021-22 4,350 56,370 54,875 24,455 24,970
2022-23 4,055 57,830 52,935 22,050 27,565
Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 0 0 935 26,020 10,510
2014-15 0 0 845 24,805 11,135
2015-16 0 0 795 24,930 12,230
2016-17 0 0 670 26,280 11,540
2017-18 0 0 665 25,515 11,115
2018-19 0 0 715 24,965 11,465
2019-20 0 0 775 24,385 10,155
2020-21 0 0 815 26,510 10,480
2021-22 0 0 745 22,090 11,025
2022-23 0 0 610 19,805 12,460
Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 4,090 27,290 46,920 3,465 16,135
2014-15 4,175 27,935 47,230 3,410 14,125
2015-16 4,175 28,630 48,300 3,285 12,745
2016-17 4,165 31,200 49,575 3,420 12,940
2017-18 4,365 33,610 51,020 3,340 12,190
2018-19 4,510 35,345 51,850 2,895 12,170
2019-20 4,240 40,195 52,260 2,755 12,395
2020-21 4,535 49,250 56,210 3,040 12,865
2021-22 4,350 56,370 54,130 2,370 13,945
2022-23 4,055 57,830 52,330 2,245 15,105
  1. There were 164,435 total entrants to higher education at Scottish institutions in 2022-23. This is slightly lower than the 165,020 entrants in 2021-22 (-585, -0.4%).

  2. At College there were a total of 32,875 entrants, this represents a decrease year on year of 985 entrants (-2.9%).

  3. Universities saw an increase of 400 (+0.3%) entrants, from 131,160 in 2021-22 to 131,560 in 2022-23.

  4. The increase in university entrants has been driven by demand for postgraduate taught courses, which reached record levels at 57,830, an increase of 111.9% (+30,540) over the decade. This has been driven in large part by demand from international students.

Figure 2: Higher Education Initial Participation Rate at Scottish Institutions, 2013-14 to 2022-23

  1. The Higher Education Initial Participation Rate (HEIPR) is an estimate of the probability that a 16 year old will participate in higher education at college or university from HNC to Degree level by the age of 30.
  2. The Higher Education Initial Participation Rate (HEIPR) increased slightly (+0.3pp) in 2022-23. This increase was due mainly to an increase in participation rates among Scots aged 20 to 30.


Figure 3: Students on Higher Education Courses at Scottish Institutions by Level of Study, 2013-14 to 2022-23

Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 12,180 41,925 152,460 41,285 31,640
2014-15 12,525 43,675 154,420 40,765 29,905
2015-16 12,910 43,800 158,495 41,060 29,185
2016-17 13,045 45,780 162,130 42,660 29,005
2017-18 13,145 48,495 166,040 41,560 27,455
2018-19 13,420 50,900 169,635 40,320 28,390
2019-20 13,110 55,850 172,680 39,080 26,500
2020-21 13,535 68,375 181,495 41,670 27,735
2021-22 13,705 83,065 184,380 35,475 29,645
2022-23 14,105 79,395 177,945 30,795 31,875
Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 0 0 1,135 36,380 11,175
2014-15 0 0 1,095 35,810 11,810
2015-16 0 0 1,055 36,130 12,705
2016-17 0 0 1,005 37,525 12,155
2017-18 0 0 980 36,535 12,070
2018-19 0 0 1,065 35,835 12,285
2019-20 0 0 1,110 34,660 10,955
2020-21 0 0 1,240 37,110 11,590
2021-22 0 0 1,140 31,770 12,115
2022-23 0 0 890 27,395 13,590
Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 12,180 41,925 151,325 4,905 20,470
2014-15 12,525 43,675 153,325 4,955 18,090
2015-16 12,910 43,800 157,440 4,930 16,480
2016-17 13,045 45,780 161,125 5,135 16,850
2017-18 13,145 48,495 165,060 5,030 15,385
2018-19 13,420 50,900 168,570 4,485 16,105
2019-20 13,110 55,850 171,565 4,420 15,540
2020-21 13,535 68,375 180,255 4,560 16,145
2021-22 13,705 83,065 183,245 3,690 17,530
2022-23 14,105 79,395 177,055 3,400 18,285
  1. In academic year 2022-23 there were a total of 334,115 students on higher education courses at Scottish institutions. This is the second highest level in the last decade and represents a reduction of 12,615 students (3.51%) from the peak in 2021-22.

  2. Proportionally there was a greater fall in HE students at Scotland’s colleges, -7.0% (-3,150). By comparison, the number of students at Scotland’s universities fell by 3.0% (-8,990).


Figure 4: Qualifiers from Higher Education Courses at Scottish Institutions by Level of Study, 2013-14 to 2022-23

Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 2,605 24,110 37,010 20,525 13,090
2014-15 2,930 24,135 36,870 19,970 13,050
2015-16 2,790 23,050 37,785 20,525 13,250
2016-17 3,050 26,340 38,225 21,895 12,245
2017-18 3,265 27,240 38,855 21,995 12,810
2018-19 3,180 32,225 39,340 21,395 14,005
2019-20 3,320 28,575 37,990 21,015 10,460
2020-21 2,765 33,040 39,895 20,445 12,570
2021-22 3,170 42,695 40,345 17,230 13,760
2022-23 3,280 35,570 37,360 15,005 14,790
Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 0 0 670 18,205 6,850
2014-15 0 0 660 17,640 7,475
2015-16 0 0 645 17,960 7,965
2016-17 0 0 575 19,110 7,305
2017-18 0 0 560 19,425 7,585
2018-19 0 0 610 18,790 8,510
2019-20 0 0 690 18,955 6,015
2020-21 0 0 705 18,210 6,950
2021-22 0 0 625 15,410 7,385
2022-23 0 0 610 13,815 8,520
Academic year Research Postgraduate Taught Postgraduate First Degree HNC/HND Other Sub-degree
2013-14 2,605 24,110 36,340 2,320 6,240
2014-15 2,930 24,135 36,210 2,330 5,575
2015-16 2,790 23,050 37,140 2,565 5,285
2016-17 3,050 26,340 37,650 2,785 4,940
2017-18 3,265 27,240 38,295 2,570 5,225
2018-19 3,180 32,225 38,730 2,610 5,495
2019-20 3,320 28,575 37,300 2,060 4,450
2020-21 2,765 33,040 39,190 2,235 5,620
2021-22 3,170 42,695 39,720 1,820 6,370
2022-23 3,280 35,570 36,745 1,190 6,270
  1. A total of 106,000 students qualified from HE courses in Scotland in 2022-23. This is a fall of 11,195 (-11.4%) from the peak in 2021-22.

  2. This fall in qualifiers is in part due to a Marking and Assessment Boycott in 2022-23, which prevented some HEIs from submitting qualifications within the reporting period.

  3. In addition, The University of Glasgow, in consultation with the SFC, updated its reporting practices for postgraduate students in 2022-23. As part of this process, reporting for many postgraduate taught qualifications has been deferred to 2023-24. This is estimated to have reduced the number of qualifiers reported for 2022-23 by a few thousand. When excluding postgraduate taught qualifications, the reduction in qualifiers drops by 5.9pp from -11.4% to -5.5%.