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Register hereOur funding for colleges, universities, and innovation centres is a powerful tool, equipping Scotland with the essential skills and knowledge to accelerate its transition to a net-zero future.
By investing strategically in education and innovation, we’re unlocking the potential for economic growth, job creation, and a sustainable future for all. By supporting existing areas of the economy to adapt and change to new policies and practices, as well as giving all learners access to highly relevant, cutting-edge skills, our institutions are the driving force behind SFC’s contribution to decarbonisation and Scotland’s Just Transition to Net Zero.
The Skills and Coherent provision team works with a wide range of stakeholders across colleges and universities, employers, multi-disciplinary working groups and industry representative bodies, including Skills Development Scotland; Transport Scotland; The Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council; Making Scotland’s Future; and the Construction Skills Public Sector Network.
We support skills provision in a wide range of industries including renewable energy; the hydrogen economy; transport decarbonisation; peatland restoration; sustainable agriculture; and retrofit. Through SFC funded learning and teaching provision in colleges and universities, our investments in programmes like Energy Skills Partnership and our innovation centres, including Built Environment – Smarter Transformation and The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, SFC continues to invest in Skills for the Green Economy, supporting collaboration in different ways, to support different sectoral needs.
The Scottish Government’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) aims to create a thriving, equitable, and sustainable economy. Key goals include:
To achieve these goals, the strategy outlines five key policy programmes:
The strategy emphasises the importance of collaboration between government, businesses, and other stakeholders to deliver these goals.
The Green Industrial Strategy outlines Scotland’s plan to capitalise on the global transition to Net Zero. The strategy focuses on five key opportunity areas:
To achieve these goals, the strategy emphasises the importance of:
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.