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Register hereOur Research Excellence Grant (REG) supports world-leading research in Scottish universities, ensuring Scotland remains globally competitive and attractive to the best researchers.
REG has a dual purpose:
REG provides a long-term, stable source of research funding which institutions can use flexibly to develop and support excellent research as best fits their individual circumstances, thereby supporting the diversity of the sector and their ability to respond to challenges.
The REG funding model takes into account the Research Excellence Framework (REF), a UK-wide system for assessing research in higher education institutions. It is conducted jointly by all four UK higher education funding bodies.
REG = REGa + REGb + REGc where:
The Research Excellence Grant provides the majority of SFC’s funding for research in Scotland. It is intended to support sustainable research excellence across Scotland’s universities.
REG has a dual purpose:
REG provides a long-term, stable source of research funding which institutions can use flexibly to develop and support excellent research as best fits their individual circumstances thereby supporting the diversity of the sector and their ability to respond to challenges.
Excellent research demonstrates originality and rigour in its approach and significance in its advancement of understanding and in the reach of its impact.
By supporting universities in Scotland to explore and improve the world by doing excellent research, they develop the knowledge and techniques which: deal with current challenges; address future challenges; and create future opportunities.
REG supports institutions to:
SFC’s Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability included a commitment to ‘Restate the purpose of the Research Postgraduate Grant (RPG) to include support for postgraduates to acquire the skills to develop careers in or outside of academia, and to support collaboration between universities in areas of researcher support and development.’
Following consultation with expert working groups and the sector the following principles for RPG were endorsed by SFC’s Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee.
The Research Postgraduate Grant supports institutions to:
SFC’s new Research Assurance and Accountability process is the key element for monitoring the Research Excellence expectation within the Outcomes Framework (OF) and Assurance Model (AM).
It comes from the commitment in our Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability (June 2021) to increase accountability for the use of SFC research funds, to obtain better evidence on the use of those funds and the value of the investment.
SFC ran this webinar on completing the Research Assurance and Accountability.
In 2021 SFC’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee (RKEC) conducted a review of REG and RPG including extensive sector consultation:
In light of the review, the following changes were made to the REG formula allocation model from AY 2022-23:
From AY 2022-23 the REG allocation model refers to the REF 2021 results.
The 2021 REF results had a significant impact on universities’ REG allocations. To avoid significant disruption to individual institutions, SFC limited the level of any university’s reduction in REG for AY 2022-23 to -10%. This transition was for one year and limitations were removed for AY 2023-24.
The Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Fund (KEIF) began in AY 2024-25 and replaced the University Innovation Fund. For further information see Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Fund Further Information 2024-25.
The KEIF is informed by SFC Knowledge Exchange Metric Data AY 2020-21 to AY 2022-23.
The KEIF Strategy Guidance for AY 2025-26 to AY 2029-30 provides provides detailed guidance on the submission of five-year KEIF strategies. It covers the requirements and priorities for all universities in receipt of KEIF as well as information on SFC approval and annual reporting.
Five-year KEIF strategies were submitted in January 2025 and are under review.
An expert panel has been formed to assess five-year KEIF strategies.
The Panel will be chaired by Professor Lesley Yellowlees, Chair of SFC’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee. The Panel is made up of representatives from Scottish Government, a broad range of UK research and knowledge exchange organisations and SFC Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee/Board members.
View the Expert Panel Terms of Reference
In December 2020 the European Commission and the UK Government agreed that the UK could fully associate to Horizon Europe, the EU’s flagship research and innovation funding programme. Horizon Europe is the successor to Horizon 2020 and runs until 2027.
As an Associated Country the UK can participate in Horizon Europe on equivalent terms as Member States and other Associated Countries. Researchers can therefore continue to access funding via all parts of the Framework Programme. As with other Associated Countries, on very limited occasions there may be limited access to some topics under exceptional and justifiable circumstances.
On 17 December 2021 the UK government announced guaranteed funding for the first wave of eligible, successful UK applicants to Horizon Europe who were unable to sign grant agreements with the EU prior to formalisation of the UK’s association to the programme.
The funding has been delivered through UK Research and Innovation who published Horizon Europe guarantee guidance. This gives details on:
It also includes a Q&A. Any questions on the guarantee guidance should be directed to
More information about available funding is available and the ERC UK National Contact Point service is open for anyone who is currently based in the UK or who wishes to apply with a UK-based organisation for an ERC grant.
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.