Richard Maconachie FCCA
Director of Finance
Subject | Paragraph(s) | Summary |
Care Experienced Bursary (CEB) Eligibility | 50-54 |
Study Expenses Allowance (Study Costs) | 78-81 |
Digital Poverty Funding | 83 |
Additional Support Needs for Learning Allowance (ASNLA) | 96 |
Study Expenses Allowance Table – Average Sector Spend | Annex B |
Subject | Paragraph(s) | Summary |
Care arrangements outside the UK | 8 |
National Allowance for Foster and Kinship Carers | 26 |
Definition of Estrangement | 44 |
Subject | Paragraph(s) | Summary |
Care arrangements outside the UK | 25-26 |
Evidencing care arrangements outside the UK | 33-35 |
Subject | Paragraph(s) | Summary |
Extending the definition of an approved ‘Professional Person’ | Section D |
Subject | Paragraph(s) | Summary |
Eligibility of young asylum seekers, and children of asylum seekers, to access FEDF | 10 |
Corporate Parenting Duties | 19 |
Subject | Paragraph(s) | Summary |
Submitting documentation to evidence care arrangements outside the UK | 70-71 |
Submitting a case for review to the Scottish Public Service Ombudsman (SPSO) | 91 |
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.