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Funding for Additional MSc Physiotherapy Students 2024-25



  1. I write to announce funding for additional pre-registration MSc Physiotherapy students recruited by universities through the September and January intakes in Academic Year (AY) 2024-25.


  1. This additional funding is related to the Scottish Government’s commitment to fund additional advanced Musculo-Skeletal (MSK) practitioners in Primary Care.
  2. Four providers recruited 49 additional students in AY 2024-25 and 53 continuing students are being funded for year 2 of their studies. SFC will administer the funding associated with the additional recruitment for both year groups.

Funding for AY 2024-25

  1. This funding announcement covers the total of 102 additional students across two years of study.
  2. In discussions between the Scottish Government (SG), NHS Education for Scotland (NES), and the relevant universities, it was agreed that the funding associated with these additional students would be based on each university’s postgraduate fees for each year, rather than at SFC’s teaching subject price. As a result of this arrangement, the additional MSc Physiotherapy funding will sit outside of SFC’s Main Teaching Grant model and no funded student places will be allocated for this additional provision.
  3. Total funding of £1,059,850 will be allocated in AY 2024-25, with payment due to be made in March. The table below sets out the funding for each university, broken down by year group.
Funding allocations for additional MSc Physiotherapy students in AY 2024-25
Institution Allocation for Year 1 students Allocation for Year 2 students Total allocation for AY 2024-25
Edinburgh Napier University £123,600 £113,300 £236,900
Glasgow Caledonian University £178,600 £131,600 £310,200
Queen Margaret University £122,650 £200,700 £323,350
Robert Gordon University £72,800 £109,600 £189,400
TOTAL £504,650 £555,200 £1,059,850

Conditions of grant

  1. It is a condition of grant that universities should not charge additional pre-registration MSc Physiotherapy students a tuition fee in addition to the funding provided through this allocation.
  2. Universities should work with SG colleagues in the Chief Nursing Officer’s Directorate on the monitoring of MSc Physiotherapy students and provide student number data as required.

Further information

  1. If you have any queries or require any further information, please contact Duncan Condie, Senior Funding Policy Officer, email:

Richard Maconachie FCCA
Director of Finance

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