Outcome | Definition |
Funding regularity | SFC funding is used for its intended purpose. Teaching funding is used effectively to deliver high quality coherent provision, with special attention to priority provision, and meeting volume targets and thresholds. Student Support, Capital Funding and any ring-fenced funds are used for their intended purpose. Research, innovation and strategic investments deliver high quality research outcomes. |
Good governance | Governing Bodies demonstrate good governance and accountability, including ownership of institutions’ performance, compliance with SFC’s requirements, proactive risk management, value for money, leadership and integrity in decision making and the way they conduct their business, and having regard to the principles of Fair Work and fair access. |
Financial viability and sustainability |
Institutions are financially viable in the short-term (1-2 years) and hold credible plans for long term financial sustainability to secure a high-quality learning experience and high-quality research and innovation. |
Estates and infrastructure |
Institutions’ estates and digital infrastructure are well-managed, well-utilised and effectively support and enable high quality learning and teaching and research. |
High quality learning and teaching |
Students experience high-quality learning and teaching that allows them to engage with and succeed in their studies. Students are effectively engaged with the development of curricula and learning pathways. The quality of learning and teaching and confidence in standards are enhanced through institutions delivering continuous improvement of robust and transparent quality processes. Students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to flourish in employment, further study and lead fulfilling lives. |
Student interests, access and success |
Education is accessible to students from all backgrounds and protected characteristics and, with effective student partnership, students are supported through successful pathways and routes through their learner journey. Students can prioritise their mental health and wellbeing and are part of a safe and supportive institution which allows them to engage and participate in the student experience. |
Skills and work-based learning | Institutions produce confident and highly capable work-ready graduates, engaging with employers to respond to industry and sector needs, skills alignment and to co-create solutions to challenges. Students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to find employment, flourish in their career, meet employer needs and make a positive contribution to society and the economy. |
Research excellence (universities only) | Institutions produce excellent research that encourages the exploration of new ideas and thinking, advances current knowledge, and has the potential to change the world around us, including economically and socially. The research environment is flourishing, and research students and staff are enabled to succeed. |
Knowledge exchange and innovation (universities only) |
Institutions generate knowledge which they share to deliver value to Scotland, addressing the green recovery, wellbeing economy and the just transition. Institutions’ research and innovation attracts and nurtures talent and entrepreneurship; mobilises collaboration and additional investment; enhances our international reputation; and delivers economic transformation and societal value. |
Net zero (cross-cutting outcome) |
Institutions embed approaches to just transition, green growth and net zero transformation across their strategic functions. |
Equalities, diversity and inclusion (cross-cutting outcome) |
Institutions comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty and the National Equality Outcomes to have due regard to the need to:
(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010; (b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; (c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. |
Outcome | Current monitoring | New monitoring |
Funding regularity | HESES/HESA (university) and FES (college) returns
External audit opinion on use of funds within Annual Reports Audit of student number and student support data Project/strategic funding reports |
As current |
Good governance | Internal and external audit reports
Statements of internal control within Annual Reports Annual Reports meeting the relevant Financial Memorandum and sector code of good governance Governance effectiveness reviews |
As current |
Financial viability and sustainability |
Annual Reports
Financial forecasts Mid-year financial returns External audit reports Borrowing approvals |
As current |
Estates and infrastructure | Estates usage and relevant financial data
Student feedback through NSS, SESS, PTES and PRES surveys |
As current |
Contextual commentary | ||
High quality learning and teaching |
OA forward looking commitments
OA self-evaluation Report on institution-led activities Annual assurance statement QAA’s ‘Quality Enhancement Framework’/ Education Scotland’s ‘How Good Is Our College’ |
To be replaced by Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework |
Student interests, access and success |
Performance against COWA targets
National Equality Outcomes Student participation, retention and outcomes Student feedback through NSS, SESS, PTES and PRES surveys |
As current
OA forward looking commitments
OA self-evaluation |
To be replaced by contextual commentary and thematic reviews | |
Skills and work-based learning | Data on placements and work-based courses
Graduate Outcomes / LEO / College Leavers destinations |
As current |
OA forward looking commitments
OA self-evaluation |
To be replaced by contextual commentary and thematic reviews | |
Research excellence (universities only) | Research Excellence Framework
TRAC return |
As current |
Compliance with Research Integrity Concordat
OA forward looking commitments OA self-evaluation and case studies |
To be replaced by the Research Assurance and Accountability Return | |
Knowledge exchange and innovation (universities only) | Financial and other data (as current) | As current |
OA forward looking commitments
OA self-evaluation |
To be replaced by annual progress reporting against Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Strategy (under development) | |
Net zero (cross-cutting outcome) | OA forward looking commitments
OA self-evaluation |
To be replaced by evidencing within submissions for other Outcomes (including the contextual commentary) and considered through thematic reviews |
Equalities, diversity and inclusion (cross-cutting outcome) | National Equality Outcomes
PSED reports |
As current |
To be evidenced within submissions for other Outcomes (including the contextual commentary) and considered through thematic reviews |
Important note: SFC will be extending the deadline for submitting the Self-Evaluation Report against the 2023-24 Outcome Agreement, and the submission of the two case studies (covering outcomes for students and outcomes for economic transformation and social renewal) from 2 December 2024 to 31 January 2025.
Completion of the 2023-24 Outcome Agreement Process | |
31 January 2025 (change of date) | Self-Evaluation report against 2023-24 Outcome Agreement (note that Learning and Quality and Research themes do not need to be included in the self-evaluation report). |
31 January 2025 (change of date) | Two Case Studies (covering outcomes for students and outcomes for economic transformation and social renewal). |
2024-25 Assurance Model | |
Throughout AY 2024-25 | Standard SFC data returns to be submitted to required timescales. |
Throughout AY 2024-25 | New assurance processes to replace existing arrangements for reporting on the following:
(Details of these will be announced separately) |
28 November 2025 | Contextual Commentary on performance against Outcomes Framework in 2024-25* |
28 November 2025 | Two Case Studies related to the use of funding to deliver aspects of the Outcomes Framework* |
*SFC will discuss with the sector the format and submission process for these documents and will confirm details by July 2025. SFC will also agree with the sector over this period the topics and timescales for the Thematic Reviews, which will be introduced in academic year 2025-26.
Purpose and principle | Relevant SFC Outcomes |
P&P1: Transparent, resilient & trusted
The system is financially and environmentally resilient, trusted to deliver; and subject to effective governance |
Funding regularity
Financial viability and sustainability Estates and infrastructure Net zero Good governance |
P&P2: Supportive and equitable
People are supported throughout their learner journey, particularly those who need it most |
Funding regularity
Student interests, access and success Equality, diversity and inclusion |
P&P3: High quality
High quality opportunities are available for people to enhance their knowledge and skills at the time and place that is right for them |
High quality learning and teaching
Skills and work-based learning Student interests, access and success |
P&P4: Globally respected
Research, teaching, innovation and knowledge exchange must make a difference, enhance and contribute to global well-being, addressing 21st century challenges and attracting inward investment and talent to study, live and work in Scotland |
Research excellence
Knowledge exchange and innovation High quality learning and teaching Skills and work-based learning |
P&P5: Agile and responsive
Everybody in the system collaborates to deliver in the best interests of Scotland’s wellbeing economy |
Skills and work-based learning
Student interests, access and success Equality, diversity and inclusion Research excellence Knowledge and innovation |
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.