Q: Human health and social work activities (e.g. includes hospitals, health centres, dentists, care providers)
Rather than the following industries:
O: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (e.g. includes armed services, local authorities, fire and police services)
P: Education (e.g. includes schools, colleges and universities)
Primary Classification | Primary Classification (destination) from CLD code list A (see page 9 for details). First destinations of students successfully completing full-time courses only. Current destination or expected to start by 31 March 2024, for all students completing in session 2022-23.
Select from the drop-down menu on the template. Please enter the code exactly as it appears in the drop-down menu. Please do not edit the code numbers or wording. |
Industry of Employer | Industry of Employer (Employer Category) from CLD code list B (see page 11 for details). For students successfully completing full-time courses who entered full-time, part-time, freelance employment, are in voluntary/unpaid work, developing a professional portfolio/creative practice, are on an internship as well as graduates due to start a job by 31 March 2024.
The code most appropriate to employer function should be used e.g. a personal assistant working in a school would be coded P: Education. U: Activities of Extraterritorial Organisations and Bodies would apply to a graduate working for a non-UK based organisation. Where more than one code could be used to identify an employer, the code most appropriate to the employer function should be used. Select from the drop-down menu on the template. NOTE: Please enter the code exactly as it appears in the drop-down menu. Please do not edit the code numbers or wording. |
Destination of Further Study | Destination of Further Study from CLD code list C (see page 13 for detail). For students successfully completing full time courses and going onto full-time/part-time study, training or research.
Simply enter the number assigned to the College/University. You can check that a valid code has been entered by clicking on the cell – a text box with the location associated with that particular code should appear. Select from the drop-down menu on the template. NOTE: Please enter the code exactly as it appears in the drop-down menu. Please do not edit the code numbers or wording. |
Primary Classification | Primary Classification (destination) from CLD code list A (see page 9 for details). First destinations of students successfully completing full-time courses only. Current destination or expected to start by 31 March 2024, for all students completing in session 2022-23.
Select from the drop-down menu on the template. Please enter the code exactly as it appears in the drop-down menu. Please do not edit the code numbers or wording. |
Industry of Employer | Industry of Employer (Employer Category) from CLD code list B. For students successfully completing full-time courses who entered full-time, part-time, freelance employment, are in voluntary/unpaid work, developing a professional portfolio/creative practice, are on an internship as well as graduates due to start a job by 31 March 2024.
The code most appropriate to employer function should be used e.g. a personal assistant working in a school would be coded P: Education. U: Activities of Extraterritorial Organisations and Bodies would apply to a graduate working for a non-UK based organisation. Where more than one code could be used to identify an employer, the code most appropriate to the employer function should be used. Select from the drop-down menu on the template. NOTE: Please enter the code exactly as it appears in the drop-down menu. Please do not edit the code numbers or wording. |
Destination of Further Study | Destination of Further Study from CLD code list C (see page 13 for detail). For students successfully completing full time courses and going onto full-time/part-time study, training or research.
Simply enter the number assigned to the College/University. You can check that a valid code has been entered by clicking on the cell – a text box with the location associated with that particular code should appear. Select from the drop-down menu on the template. NOTE: Please enter the code exactly as it appears in the drop-down menu. Please do not edit the code numbers or wording. |
Working full-time: employed/Modern Apprenticeship/self-employed/freelance, voluntary or other unpaid work, developing a professional portfolio/creative practice or on an internship.
Working part-time: employed/Modern Apprenticeship/self-employed/freelance, voluntary or other unpaid work, developing a professional portfolio/creative practice or on an internship.
Due to Start Job by the 31 of March.
Engaged in full-time further study: study/ training/research.
Engaged in part-time further study: study/training/research.
Unemployed and looking for work.
Taking Time Out in Order to Travel.
Not Employed but NOT Looking for Employment, Further Study or Training.
Permanently Unable to Work/Retired.
Temporarily Sick/Unable to Work/Looking After Home/Family
For more detailed information on UK Standard Industrial Classification go to UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007.
A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing.
B: Mining and quarrying.
C: Manufacturing.
D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply.
E: Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities.
F: Construction.
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
(e.g. includes shops and garages)
H: Transport and storage.
(e.g. includes drivers)
I: Accommodation and food service activities.
(e.g. includes hotels, bars and restaurants)
J: Information and communication.
(e.g. includes telecommunication and media activities)
K: Financial and insurance activities.
(e.g. includes banks, pension and investment companies)
L: Real estate activities.
(e.g. includes estate agents and letting agencies)
M: Professional, scientific and technical activities.
(e.g. includes accountants, legal firms, architects, design, photographic,
veterinary, consultancies and research laboratories)
N: Administrative and support service activities.
(e.g. includes recruitment agencies, travel agents, cleaning operatives,
security firms and call centres)
O: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security.
(e.g. includes armed services, local authorities, fire and police services)
P: Education.
(e.g. includes schools, colleges and universities)
Q: Human health and social work activities.
(e.g. includes hospitals, health centres, dentists, care and childcare providers)
R: Arts, entertainment and recreation.
(e.g. includes museums, libraries, sport and fitness facilities, gambling and
betting activities)
S: Other service activities.
(e.g. includes hairdressers, beauticians, funeral activities, repair of ICT
equipment, repair of household electrical equipment and other personal
T: Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and
services- producing activities of households for own use.
U: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies.
(e.g. includes Embassy, Consular Office, Foreign armed forces, Foreign Civil
Argyll (UHI)
Ayrshire College
Borders College
Dumfries and Galloway College
Dundee & Angus College
Edinburgh College
Fife College
Forth Valley College
Glasgow Clyde College
Glasgow College, City of
Glasgow Kelvin College
Inverness (UHI)
Lanarkshire College, South
Lanarkshire, New College
Moray (UHI)
Newbattle Abbey College
North East Scotland College
North, West and Hebrides (UHI)
Orkney (UHI)
Perth (UHI)
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (UHI)
Shetland (UHI)
West College Scotland
West Lothian College
Aberdeen, The University of
Abertay, University of
Dundee, The University of
Edinburgh College of Art
Edinburgh Napier University
Edinburgh, The University of
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow School of Art
Glasgow, The University of
Heriot-Watt University
Highlands and Islands, University of the
Queen Margaret University College
Robert Gordon University, The
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, The
Scottish Rural College (SRUC)
St Andrews, The University of
Stirling, The University of
Strathclyde, The University of
West of Scotland, The University of
Aberystwyth University
Anglia Ruskin University
Arts University College Bournemouth
Aston University
Bangor University
Bath Spa University
Bath, The University of
Bedfordshire, University of
Belfast, The Queen’s University of
Birkbeck, University of London
Birmingham City University
Birmingham, The University of
Birmingham, University College
Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln
Bolton, University of
Bournemouth University
Bradford, The University of
Brighton, The University of
Bristol, The University of
Brunel University
Buckinghamshire College of HE
Cambridge, The University of
Canterbury Christ Church College
Cardiff University
Central Lancashire, The University of
Central School of Speech and Drama
Chester, University of
Chichester University of
City University, London
Conservatoire for Dance and Drama
Courtauld Institute of Art
Coventry University
Cranfield University
Creative Arts, University for the
Cumbria, University of
De Montfort University
Derby, University of
Durham, University of
East Anglia, The University of
East London, The University of
Edge Hill University
Essex, The University of
Exeter, The University of
Falmouth, University College
Glamorgan, University of
Gloucestershire, University of
Glyndwr University
Goldsmiths, University of London
Greenwich, The University of
Harper Adams Agricultural College
Hertfordshire, University of
Homerton College
Huddersfield, The University of
Hull, The University of
Imperial College of London
Institute of Cancer Research, The
Keele, The University of
Kent at Canterbury, The University of
King’s College London
Kingston University
Lancaster, The University of
Leeds Metropolitan University
Leeds Trinity University College
Leeds, The University of
Leicester, The University of
Lincoln, The University of
Liverpool Hope University College
Liverpool John Moores University
Liverpool, The University of
London Business School
London Metropolitan University
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
London South Bank University
Loughborough University
Manchester Metropolitan University, The
Manchester, The University of
Mary’s University College
Middlesex University London
Newcastle University
Newman College
Northampton, University of
Northern School of Contemporary Dance
Northumbria University
Norwich University College of the Arts
Nottingham Trent University, The
Nottingham, The University of
Open University, The
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford, The University of
Plymouth, The University of
Portsmouth, The University of
Ravensbourne (College)
Reading, The University of
Roehampton, University of
Rose Bruford College
Royal Academy of Music
Royal Agricultural College
Royal College of Art
Royal College of Music
Royal Northern College of Music
Royal Veterinary College, The
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
Salford, The University of
School of Oriental and African Studies, The
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield, The University of
Southampton Solent University
Southampton, The University of
St George’s, Hospital Medical School
St Mark and St John, College of
St Mary’s University College
Staffordshire University
Stranmillis University College
Sunderland, The University of,
Surrey, The University of
Sussex, The University of
Swansea Metropolitan College
Swansea University
Teesside, The University of
the Arts, London University of
Trinity College of Music
Ulster, University of
University College London
University of London (Central Institutes and activities)
University of London, Institute of Education
University of London, Queen Mary
University of London, Royal Holloway
Wales Institute, Cardiff, University of
Wales, Newport, University of
Wales, Trinity Saint David, University of
Warwick, The University of
West London, University of
West of England, Bristol, University of the
Westminster, The University of
Wimbledon College of Art
Winchester, University of
Wolverhampton, The University of
Worcester, University of
Writtle College
York St John University
York, The University of
Non Scottish FE College
Other non-UK institution
Other private body in the UK
Other public body in the UK
Other UK institution
See main College Leaver Destinations Guidance 2022-23 or Annex A Sample Questionnaire for the sample questionnaire.
See main College Leaver Destinations Guidance 2022-23 for Primary Classification and compulsory fields.
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.