SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
11 Lùna 2023
National Student Survey results and SQA Results Day figures released this week
09 Lùna 2023
A new learning programme part-funded by SFC hopes to inspire building experts for the net zero economy of the future
09 Lùna 2023
The signing of a new memorandum of understanding between SFC and NES extends joint working until 2026.
08 Lùna 2023
New SFC report shows learners valuing higher education amongst the disruption of the pandemic.
01 Lùna 2023
Scotland’s newest college has come into being today with the merger of UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides, and UHI West Highland to form UHI North, West and Hebrides.
25 Iuch 2023
New report shows more learners from Scotland’s most deprived areas and from care experienced backgrounds began an HE course in 2021-2022.
17 Iuch 2023
On Friday 7 July pupils from 13 different schools across Fife and Tayside graduated from Lift Off 2 Success, Lift Off’s one week summer residential programme.
13 Iuch 2023
Costs and benefits analysis; engagement summary; and EDI evidence reports published today.