SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.
13 Lùna 2020
This August, Interface is celebrating its 15th anniversary with news of a record number of partnerships and research and development projects.
11 Lùna 2020
THREE new projects in Scotland are set to benefit from early stage investment from UKRI’s Strength in Places Fund (SIPF).
11 Lùna 2020
Colleges and Universities launch plans for more flexible pathways for learners in the post-COVID economy.
07 Lùna 2020
Skills for a digital future set to help Scotland’s economic recovery.
05 Lùna 2020
Colleges and universities included in scheme to boost the construction industry.
04 Lùna 2020
On results day 2020 our CEO Karen Watt shares a message to all students and prospective students as we look at a series of blogs of people’s learner journeys.
31 Iuch 2020
The UK’s exercise for assessing research excellence in universities, the Research Excellence Framework (REF), recommences on 31 July 2020.
31 Iuch 2020
Today the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) is pleased to confirm that the Scottish Government has made up to £300,000 available to the college sector to tackle child poverty.