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SFC blogs published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier blog articles.

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Growing a Miracle Tree – How Moringa is being used in Malawi to enhance food security

17 Samh 2020

Through this GCRF project in partnership with Africa Growing, the potential of Moringa to contribute to scaled-up nutrition programs in Malawi was explored and a palatable Moringa formulation, which maintained the bioavailability of the nutrients was developed.

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Improving the point of care for vector based diseases in Uganda.

05 Dàmh 2020

Louise Mitchell describes how Dr Christina Faust and colleagues at the University of Glasgow have developed a portable field laboratory that can be deployed quickly in areas with vector-borne diseases.

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Creating a Counselling and Wellbeing service during Lockdown

22 Sult 2020

As external Counselling and Wellbeing services around colleges often work to capacity, in order to support students fully, colleges offer their own Counselling and Wellbeing service – even during a national lockdown.

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Why do we need electric vehicles?

18 Sult 2020

Barry Faichnie from Glasgow Clyde College looks at how increasing electric vehicle (EV) ownership is helping to tackle the climate emergency, and why colleges are well positioned to meet the demands of training and upskilling that comes with the move to EVs.

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UMIS’s ‘Capturing Lives’

30 Iuch 2020

University museums have been adapting to Covid-19 since March. Sarah Burry-Hayes discusses how they treated the lockdown as an opportunity to offer digital content and programming.

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Lost limbs, lives and livelihoods

03 Iuch 2020

The project is supported by £51K from the University of Glasgow GCRF Small Grants Fund which enabled the project team to undertake detailed field work and run focus groups to discuss how community and individual behaviour with respect to landmine risk can be improved in Myanmar.

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The Mystery Filling

22 Ògmh 2020

Angus Wark shares what it’s like working as a librarian at the National Library of Scotland.

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Taking action to reduce carbon emissions from University business travel

22 Ògmh 2020

This weekend for Earth Hour Siôn Pickering writes about the need for Universities to cut back on emissions through reduction in business travel.

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What the COVID-19 emergency is teaching us about our institutions

22 Ògmh 2020

SFC Chief Executive, Karen Watt, pays tribute to the early response by Scotland’s colleges and universities to the pandemic.

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SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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