SFC blogs published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier blog articles.
17 Samh 2021
SFC’s Dr Bernadette Sanderson explains why Scotland’s new National Schools Programme will be a timely and positive step towards more equality in tertiary education.
30 Sult 2021
Ritchie Somerville and Gemma Cassells explain how SFC funding helped the University of Edinburgh stimulate innovation aimed at regional recovery in response to the pandemic.
29 Sult 2021
Cunntas le Ritchie Somerville agus Gemma Cassells mu ciamar a chuidich maoineachadh SFC le Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann a bhith a’ brosnachadh ùr-ghnàthachas airson ath-shlànachadh roinneil mar fhreagairt don ghalar mhòr-sgaoilte.
20 Lùna 2021
Alison’s social enterprise company has a global mission and her ambitions have been supported through collaboration with college and university partners. She is interviewed here by @InterfaceOnline
22 Iuch 2021
Dr Gill Murray of Heriot-Watt University discusses how they are using SFC’s Upskilling Fund to help come out of the global pandemic.
16 Iuch 2021
SFC’s Jenny Jamieson makes the case for a larger and more diverse community of innovators
17 Ògmh 2021
How Dundee & Angus College have worked with local businesses to reduce emissions.
03 Ògmh 2021
Ross Brand discusses how NCL has supported student entrepreneurship and how this evolved throughout lockdown.
19 Cèit 2021
An SFC insider talks us through why maths and numbers are so important this National Numeracy Day.
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.