SFC blogs published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier blog articles.
28 Gibl 2020
SFC’s Andrew Youngson on the innovative work Scotland’s colleges undertake everyday.
28 Gibl 2020
How to tackle inequality in a system that isn’t going to “sort itself out”
28 Gibl 2020
As the Historic Environment Skills Investment Plan is launched today, it’s worth reflecting on what can be achieved by bringing partners together with supportive leadership.
28 Gibl 2020
SFC’s Laura Hepburn reflects on Data Summit 2019, and what it’s been like to go from data intern to panel guest.
28 Gibl 2020
Continuing the theme of international collaboration to share learning, Ken Rutherford talks about the work he’s led with SFC colleagues to support reform in the Republic of Ireland’s further education and training sector.
28 Gibl 2020
The Scottish Funding Council’s David Beards writes about the rising tide of cybercrime and how to keep your data safe.
28 Gibl 2020
Alison Malcolm on the challenge to recruit more men into the childcare workforce, and the innovative approaches being trialled by colleges to address this.
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.