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Register hereSFC’s Outcomes Framework sets out SFC’s expectations of colleges and universities in return for the funding that they receive. As detailed in the graphic below, there are seven outcomes in the Outcomes Framework that apply to both colleges and universities, with an additional two outcomes that apply to universities. In addition, there are two further outcomes that are cross-cutting and apply across each of the other applicable outcomes for both colleges and universities.
The Assurance Model is the mechanism by which SFC is assured that the Outcomes in the Framework are being delivered so that those things that matter to students, employers, Scottish Government and other stakeholders are in place.
There are two primary elements to the Assurance Model:
The Outcomes Framework (OF) and Assurance Model (AM) together comprise the revised approach to assurance and accountability. Developed in response to the recommendations in the SFC’s 2021 Review of Coherence and Sustainability, it replaced previous assurance and accountability arrangements (including Outcome Agreements) from Academic Year 2024-25.
SFC’s new Research Assurance and Accountability process will be the key element for monitoring the Research Excellence expectation within the Outcomes Framework (OF) and Assurance Model (AM).
It comes from the commitment in our Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability (June 2021) to increase accountability for the use of SFC research funds, to obtain better evidence on the use of those funds and the value of the investment.
Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF) is our tertiary education sector’s new approach to quality assurance and enhancement for colleges and universities. It is built on the legacy of the last 20 years of Scotland’s leading approach to quality assurance and enhancement.
The TQEF comprises a shared set of principles, delivery mechanisms and outputs that can be applied to the different contexts of our colleges and universities to give assurance on academic standards, the quality of the student experience and ensure accountability for public investment in learning and teaching.
Fair Work First is the Scottish Government’s policy for driving forward high quality and fair work, and workforce diversity and inclusion in the labour market.
In its most recent ministerial Letter of Guidance, the Scottish Government confirmed that Fair Work First continues to be a high priority. It further stated that the Government looks to the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) to continue its progress in adopting Fair Work First by attaching Fair Work First criteria to its grants, procurements and other funding.
With only limited exceptions, colleges and universities receiving SFC funding are expected to meet the following two fair work criteria:
To further advance progress on Fair Work First, institutions are also encouraged to meet or work towards five other criteria:
SFC’s Outcome Agreement Guidance for 2022-23 called for institutions to advance and promote Fair Work practices as employers, and for them to outline what they are doing in practice to deliver Fair Work First for their employees. The Outcome Agreements for 2022-23 were published in July 2023, and content on fair work practices included within those.
Fair Work First is monitored by SFC under the Outcomes Framework and Assurance Model as part of assessing the outcome on good governance.
Compliance is monitored through institutions’ annual reports and accounts, and the information is used to inform ongoing engagement and discussion.
Scottish Government guidance, last updated in November 2024, provides examples for how organisations can demonstrate they are meeting the Fair Work First criteria.
The Scottish Funding Council strongly encourages all colleges and universities to become accredited Real Living Wage employers. A register of accredited employers is available on the Living Wage Scotland website.
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.