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Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010

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Sections 31 to 32 of Part 3 of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010  places duties on public bodies to provide and publish information on certain expenditure and exercise of functions as soon as is reasonably practicable after the end of each financial year. The Act names SFC along with other named public bodies, requiring publication of information on:

  • Expenditure in relation to:
    • Overseas travel.
    • Hospitality and entertainment (given).
    • External consultancy.
    • Public relations.
  • Payments which have a value in excess of £25,000.
  • The number of individuals within the organisation that receive remuneration in excess of £150,000.
  • A statement on the steps SFC has taken to promote and increase sustainable economic growth.
  • A statement on the steps SFC has taken to improve efficiency, effectiveness and economy.

SFC’s Annual Report and Accounts contains information about sustainable economic growth and efficiency, effectiveness and economy.

Expenditure in relation to Overseas travel, Hospitality, External consultancy and Public relations

The following statements are published in accordance with Section 31(1) and 31(2) of the Act.

Financial Year Public Relations Hospitality and Entertainment International Travel External Consultancy
2018-19 £158,925.30 £9,604.84 £3,202.24 £74,014.16
2019-20 £191,410.06 £6,536.32 £1,039.92 £46,473.95
2020-21 £188,849.88 £35,800.00
2021-22 £193,058.70 £142,952.00
2022-23 £202,591.95 £6,021.88 £1,121,040.20
2023-24 £271,247.05 £15,954.19 £403.48 £1,105,758.02



Public Relations:
Includes branding, design, publications, printing & distribution and cost of in-house staff.

Hospitality & Entertainment:
Includes expenditure in relation to hospitality and entertainment incurred by Board members, employees or third parties.

International Travel:
Includes travel to as well as from the UK; and the cost of hotels, the cost of travel and subsistence during overseas visits and other related expenditure.

External Consultancy:
Includes management, IT, financial, construction or infrastructure relates consultancy, research and evaluation and policy development (including feasibility studies).

Monthly expenditure over £25,000

We publish this information on a monthly basis in our Monthly expenditure reports.

If you have an enquiry about any payment line please email with Publication of items of expenditure over £25,000 and the month to which your request relates as the subject line, as well as details of the payee, amount, description of the expenditure, and the line number it appears on.

Senior Salaries

All parts of the Scottish Government including organisations such as the Scottish Funding Council are required to publish details of their senior leadership team’s salaries.

SFC does not have any individuals within the organisation that receive remuneration in excess of £150,000.

Further details about the management of the Scottish Funding Council’s finances can be viewed in our Annual Report and Accounts.

Senior Salaries for Financial Year (FY) 2024-25
Name Job title Salary band
Francesca Osowska Chief Executive (from 20/1/2025) £135,000-£139,999
Martin Boyle Chief Operating Officer £115,000-£119,999
Jacqui Brasted Interim Director of Access, Learning and Outcomes £100,000 – £104,999
Helen Cross Director of Research and Innovation £105,000 – £109,999
Richard Maconachie Director of Finance and Funding £115,000 – £119,999



Annual statement on efficiency, effectiveness and economy


  1. The Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, section 32(1)(b) requires public bodies to publish a statement in relation to efficiency, effectiveness and economy as soon as possible after the end of the financial year.
  2. The following statement sets out the steps that the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) has taken in 2023-24 to promote and increase efficiency, effectiveness and economy through the exercise of its functions.
  3. Further information on this is contained in our Annual Report and Accounts and Strategic Plan.

Statement on efficiency, effectiveness and economy

  1. We support the Scottish Government’s purpose ‘to focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth.’
  2. Our aim is to “build a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.”
  3. SFC supports efficiency through:
  • Allocating resources based on performance and needs.
  • Providing a strategic planning framework to help institutions develop long-term plans that align with the Scottish Government’s priorities.
  • Promoting innovation and collaboration through funding strategic and infrastructure initiatives.
  • Encouraging institutions to collaborate and share services e.g. procurement and data collection via bodies such as APUC, JISC.
  • Co-ordinating initiatives across institutions via bodies such as the CDN and Universities UK.
  • Gathering data to produce metrics and insight to promote accountability and transparency.
  • Providing capital funding to invest in buildings and digital infrastructure that will help reduce the environment impact and improve the quality of teaching resources.
  1. SFC promotes effectiveness through:
  • Funding research and innovation projects to support cutting-edge research and innovative teaching methods. This advances knowledge and ensures that students receive a high quality education.
  • Supporting quality assurance agencies to ensure that high standards of teaching, learning, and research are maintained, and areas for improvement are identified and addressed.
  • Sharing lessons learned and best practice.
  • Improving decision making through the use of data and analytics.
  1. SFC supports economy through:
  • Funding institutions to deliver high quality education needed to promote economic growth.
  • Supporting research that makes an important contribution to the Scottish economy and society, and advances knowledge which benefits the economy.
  • Funding innovation centres that connect Scotland’s academic expertise with industry and with public and third sector organisations to create economic benefits.
  • Working with partners to deliver a more coherent, responsive and effective system for current and future students, for the skills needs of employers and for wider social and economic goals.
  1. In 2023-24 we delivered a balanced budget after being required to deliver over £100m in revenue savings.
  2. To support best value in the use of resources we follow best practice when procuring goods and services.

Annual statement on steps to promote and increase sustainable growth


  1. The Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, section 32(1)(b) requires public bodies to publish a statement on the steps taken to promote and increase sustainable growth.
  2. The following statement sets out the steps that the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) has taken to promote and increase sustainable growth through the exercise of its functions.
  3. Further information on this is contained in our Annual Report and Accounts and Strategic Plan.

Promotion of sustainable growth through the exercise of our functions

  1. We support the Scottish Government’s purpose ‘to focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth’.
  2. Our aim is to “build a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.”
  3. SFC supports sustainable growth through:
  • Funding high-quality teaching and learning that delivers the skills essential for economic growth.
  • Investing in excellent research and fostering innovation that help to develop sustainable solutions to support a modern economy.
  • Supporting universities to develop and implement climate action plans that will reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Providing capital funding to institutions that helps to stimulate regeneration, promote sustainable development and reinforce a sense of place.
  • Benchmarking institutional progress toward net zero.
  • Embedding fair work principles in funding conditions for institutions.
  • Monitoring institutional sustainability to ensure continuity of provision.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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