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Implementing the National Schools Programme Review

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The 2024 National Schools Programme (NSP) Review set out 15 recommendations to support the future development of the programme and address issues identified through the review. The implementation of these recommendations will be overseen by a Strategic Advisory Group, consisting of experts drawn from across the sector, with consideration for coverage across the four NSP regions and a balance of stakeholder perspectives.

Applications are now open to register your interest in joining the Strategic Advisory Group.

Strategic Advisory Group

We are looking for 10 external members, including 2 student members to bring relevant skills, knowledge and understanding of the barriers to higher education and the widening access ecosystem in Scotland and offer constructive challenge and insight to the Group’s work.

This is a non-remunerated position; however, the SFC will cover travel and subsistence costs to enable members to attend in person meetings where required.

As detailed in the Strategic Advisory Group’s established remit:

  • The NSP Strategic Advisory Group will provide advice and guidance to SFC on the remit and prioritisation of the collaborative taskforce(s) which will address specific recommendations from the review.
  • The NSP Strategic Advisory Group will receive and review progress reports and proposals from the collaborative taskforce(s), providing comment, feedback and where applicable, endorsement/approval for onward progress.
  • The NSP Strategic Advisory Group will support engagement with the tertiary and school sectors and a wide range of stakeholders building on the work of the NSP review Steering Committee.

We are looking for members with experience operating at a senior level or in a role with a strategic outlook, either for a Higher or Further Education Institution, a third sector organisation, or a publicly funded school or local authority.

For student members, we are looking for students who have recent experience of participating as a Senior Phase pupil in NSP activity. Please see the NSP web pages for a list of activities.

To register your interest in joining this group, please complete and submit a short questionnaire to describe the skills and knowledge you have to offer and briefly explain why you are interested in serving on this Group.

For more information regarding how we collect and process your data please see our privacy notice.

Applications are open until 11:30pm, Tuesday 25 March 2025.

Collaborative Taskforces

Once established, the Strategic Advisory Group will consider the 2024 NSP Review recommendations and identify priority areas to take forward with the creation of short-life collaborative taskforces (recommendation 6).

These taskforces will seek input from NSP practitioners and other on-the-ground stakeholders and report to the Strategic Advisory Group on targeted recommendations.

Opportunities to contribute to the work of NSP short-life taskforces will be posted on this webpage and shared through SFC’s subscriber mailing list for Fair Access.

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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