SFC news published since 2018. See SFC archived content for earlier news articles.

University of Dundee Campus.

Photo: University of Dundee

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) has today published the terms of reference for an independent investigation to determine the causes and contributing factors to the deterioration of the University of Dundee’s financial position which came to light in November 2024. The publication follows last week’s announcement that Professor Pamela Gillies, former Principal at Glasgow Caledonian University, has been appointed to oversee the investigation. 

The investigation will seek to understand the reasons why the University’s financial position deteriorated so seriously and apparently so suddenly. It will consider the role of management and governance in the deterioration; the information flows; any cultural issues; and whether appropriate questions were asked at the University Executive Group (UEG), Court and its committees.

The investigation will provide the opportunity for the University to learn lessons from the circumstances that led to the deterioration.  SFC will also share any lessons that might be beneficial to the wider sector across Scotland.

The team that will support Professor Gillies will have full access to all appropriate documentation and will have the opportunity to engage with members of the Executive Team and members of the University Court as well as trades unions, regulators, contractors or wider stakeholders. Where possible, the Investigator and team will be encouraged to speak with former members of staff. University staff and students or members of Court may request an opportunity to provide evidence to the investigation team.

Francesca Osowska, SFC Chief Executive said:

“The University of Dundee is one of Scotland’s world-leading institutions and we are committed to working alongside its senior team as it finalises and delivers a financial recovery plan that will see it return to a position of financial health.


“Alongside this work, it’s vital that the circumstances surrounding the financial challenges at the University are fully investigated, with rigour and transparency, and that lessons are learned to minimise the risk of this situation arising again.


“The appointment of an independent team will ensure a robust process. We will share the findings once this work has concluded and expect the University to act on those findings.”

We are open to comments on the Terms of Reference. These should be sent to enquiries@sfc.ac.uk by 31 March 2025.
