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Professor Ewart Keep Register of Interests

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1. Remuneration

  • Current Chair of the Education and Training Foundation’s T Levels Professional Development External Assurance Group.
  • Current members of the Education and Training Foundation’s T Levels Professional Development Strategic Advisory Group.
  • I am also still paid a small amount of money to provide ongoing doctoral supervision to students at Oxford University and from time to time act as an external examiner at UK universities.

2. Other roles

  • Current member of the Management Board of Glasgow City College.
  • Member of the UK Government’s Opportunity Mission Expert Reference Group.
  • Current academic member of the ESRC Productivity Institute.

3. Contracts

  • Association of Colleges (AoC): research and elements of policy advice.
  • UKRI (ESRC) – refereeing research proposals and strategic advice on the focus of future research investment.
  • Education and Training Foundation: I chair one of their committees (on training FE staff and others to teach T levels.

4. Houses, Land and Buildings


5. Interest in shares and securities


6. Gifts and Hospitality


7. Non-financial interests


8. Close family members


SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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