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Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework

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Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF) is our tertiary education sector’s new approach to quality assurance and enhancement for colleges and universities. It is built on the legacy of the last 20 years of Scotland’s leading approach to quality assurance and enhancement. Our video presentation below provides an introduction to the TQEF.

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TQEF overview

Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF)

The TQEF comprises a shared set of principles, delivery mechanisms and outputs that can be applied to the different contexts of our colleges and universities to give assurance on academic standards, the quality of the student experience and ensure accountability for public investment in learning and teaching.

The TQEF will answer the question:

Is the provision delivered by Scotland’s colleges and universities of high quality and is it improving?

To access and learn more about the TQEF see SFC’s Guidance on Quality for Colleges and Universities AY 2024-25 to AY 2030-31. The new quality guidance outlines the key elements of the new approach and supports colleges and universities to implement the new Framework.

TQEF Vision and Principles

Our shared vision is for a more coherent and streamlined tertiary education system from the student perspective that delivers the best learning experience for students.

The principles are the foundation on which quality assurance and enhancement will be based and are designed to put students at the heart of the TQEF in Scotland. They were initially developed during AY 2021-22 as SFC started engaging with our sectors and stakeholders to explore options for how the tertiary approach to quality assurance and enhancement could be developed. These initial discussions were used as a basis for creating the principles, which were further refined and developed during the co-creation workshops in AY 2022-23.

Principles of Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework

(see below for full details on each Principle)

Excellence in learning, teaching & assessment

  • Academic standards and awarding
  • Strategic leadership of learning and teaching
  • Curriculum planning, design and delivery
  • Learning environment, resources and technologies
  • Professional development
  • Currency of learning and teaching
  • Peer review and evaluation of learning, teaching and assessment
  • Innovation in learning, teaching & assessment

Enhancement & Quality Culture

  • Institution wide culture of assurance, improvement and enhancement
  • Institution-led review/activity and action planning
  • External institutional peer review
  • Sector enhancement activity
  • Impact of collaboration
  • External outlook – globally responsive

Supporting student success

  • Enabling student success – wellbeing, inclusion, equality, student support
  • Context and community – meeting the needs of students
  • Effective and successful transitions
  • Support for employability, skills development and lifelong learning
  • Achieving positive outcomes for every learner
  • Responsiveness to concerns


  • External institutional peer review
  • Sector reference points/requirements
  • External specialists/experts
  • Public information and assurance

Student engagement & partnership

  • Students as partners in their learning experience
  • Students at core of review and enhancement activity
  • Student Voice – Every student, every place, every level
  • Effective and robust student representation
  • Responsiveness to student feedback

Data & evidence

  • Student outcomes
  • Common dataset for reporting
  • Institutional PIs/QIs
  • Institution-led self-evaluation and action planning
  • Use of student and staff feedback
  • Outcomes of review activity

SFC partnered with our colleges, universities, sector leading bodies, agencies and students to create the TQEF and it will be fully implemented from the 2024-25 academic year. The TQEF will:

  • Protect academic standards and enhance the student learning experience.
  • Ensure our quality arrangements continue to be fit for purpose to support innovation in learning and more flexible models of delivery.
  • Help create seamless pathways for learners and support more students to achieve positive outcomes.
  • Support more effective collaboration across colleges and universities, removing barriers to the sharing of innovation and learning, thereby promoting tertiary collaborations, where institutions wish to do so.
  • Foster a shared learning community leading to a common language and culture around learning and teaching across the tertiary system.

Delivery Mechanisms

There are five interconnected delivery mechanisms within the TQEF that, taken together, will provide the assurance on quality and support institutional and sector wide enhancement.

Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER)

The TQER is the external peer-led and enhancement focused review method for Scotland’s tertiary sector and is a single method for colleges and universities. SFC has commissioned QAA to manage and deliver the TQER with support from CDN and Education Scotland to raise awareness, deliver training and development.

A dedicated website has been launched to support the sector, where staff and student can access resources such as the TQER: Guide for Institutions.

Annual Quality Engagement (AQE)

The AQE has two aspects:

  1. Institution Liaison Meetings (ILMs) which will be led by QAA as part of the TQER process.
  2. SFC Outcome Managers will continue to lead discussions around “high-quality learning and teaching” and the outcomes of the SEAP, which is part of the SFC Outcomes Framework and Assurance Model (OF and AM).

For more information on AQEs see SFC’s Guidance on Quality for Colleges and Universities AY 2024-25 to AY 2030-31.

Institution-led quality activity

Colleges and universities are autonomous institutions with responsibility and ownership of the quality of their provision. This is done through institution-led quality assurance and enhancement activities. SFC expects all institutions to put in place arrangements and operate systems of annual monitoring and periodic review which are necessary for evaluating their provision.

SFC’s Guidance on Quality for Colleges and Universities AY 2024-25 to AY 2030-31 informs institutions of the arrangements for quality assurance and enhancement and includes specific Guidance on Institution Led Quality Review which outlines SFC’s expectations and a framework for meeting them.

Scotland’s Tertiary Enhancement Programme (STEP)

SFC and quality agency partners are committed to supporting and driving the achievement of an excellent learning experience and outcomes for our students. STEP is the national programme of co-ordinated enhancement activity that will enable Scotland’s colleges and universities to work together to deliver innovation, improvement and enhancement of learning, teaching, student experience and staff development.

CDN and QAA have been commissioned to work in partnership with the sector to manage and deliver Scotland’s Tertiary Enhancement Programme with support from sparqs and Education Scotland.

Use of data and evidence for reporting

Data and Evidence is a key principle within the TQEF and runs through all aspects of quality assurance and enhancement as identified within the framework.

As outlined in SFC’s Guidance on Quality for Colleges and Universities AY 2024-25 to AY 2030-31 it is the continued intention to develop and enhance the use of data and evidence in how we account for public investment in the delivery of high quality learning.

This paper, SFC Data Analysis for Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review, provides the sector with further detail about the data analysis that SFC will be sharing with the QAA Review team and the institution as part of the Tertiary Quality External Review (TQER) process.

Student involvement in the Delivery Mechanisms

Students are at the heart of the TQEF and play an important role across the delivery mechanisms. This includes:

  • Taking part in TQER activities as external reviewers and meeting review panels to support them gathering evidence and shaping lines of enquiry.
  • Taking part in and leading STEP enhancement projects across colleges and universities.
  • Completing key surveys and data sources such as the National Student Survey and the College Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey.
  • Representing and communicating the student experience as part of institutional-led quality review activity and in annual engagement with SFC and quality agency meetings.

SFC commissioned sparqs to develop a framework of support for colleges, universities and students by producing resources and working with quality agency partners across the delivery mechanisms. This includes the revision and updating to their Student Learning Experience model and Scotland’s Ambition for Student Partnership.

TQEF Roles and Responsibilities

To support understanding of TQEF during its implementation year, SFC has produced a short guide summarising the roles and responsibilities of its partner agencies in delivering the new Framework: TQEF: Roles and Responsibilities.

SFC Data Analysis for Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review

This paper, SFC Data Analysis for Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review, provides the sector with further detail about the data analysis that SFC will be sharing with the QAA Review team and the institution as part of the Tertiary Quality External Review (TQER) process.

As outlined in SFC’s Guidance on Quality for Colleges and Universities 2024-25 to 2030-31 it is the continued intention to develop and enhance the use of data and evidence in how we account for public investment in the delivery of high quality learning.

Tertiary Quality Steering Group

Critical to the development of the TQEF has been the support of the Tertiary Quality Steering Group (TQSG), which is made up of partners, experts and stakeholders who have helped guide and shape the project. The TQSG will continue to support the implementation and oversight of the TQEF in AY 2024-25.

TQEF Toolkit

The TQEF Toolkit provides resources for sector colleagues who require access to the key TQEF diagrams, speaking notes for internal presentations, the TQEF logo and branding guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are intended to answer key questions around the development and implementation of Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework for colleges and universities.

Further Information

For more on the development of the TQEF please see our Tertiary Quality Project pages. You can also contact SFC Learning and Quality team at:

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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