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Institutional governance

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Our strategic plan states that we will work to ensure institutions enhance their financial health and good governance.

We must also be able to rely on the whole system of governance, management and conduct of institutions to safeguard funds. It is a condition of grant, with its basis in legislation, that institutions comply with the principles of good governance set out in the Codes of Good Governance for both colleges and universities.

Institutional governance for colleges

Severance arrangements

Incorporated colleges and regional strategic bodies

Guidance on seeking approval for severance schemes and settlement agreements [SFC Archive]

Non-incorporated colleges and universities

Guidance on severance arrangements for non-incorporated colleges and universities has now been incorporated into the Financial Memorandum.

Further information

Guide for Board Members in the College Sector – Your essential guide to being a board member (Colleges Development Network) [PDF]

Guidance Notes for Boards in the College Sector – A Board Development Framework (Colleges Development Network) [PDF]

The College Development Network (CDN) assists in developing governance across Scotland’s colleges.

Institutional governance for universities

Severance arrangements

Guidance on severance arrangements for universities has now been incorporated into the Financial Memorandum.

Further information

Investigation into Financial Oversight and Decision-Making

The Scottish Funding Council has commissioned an independent investigation to determine the causes and contributing factors to the deterioration of the University of Dundee’s financial position as revealed to its Court on 12 November 2024. SFC wishes to understand how it was possible that this deterioration came as a surprise to the University leadership.


The investigation will be overseen by Professor Pamela Gillies. A tender process is underway to appoint a team who will deliver the detailed work.


View Terms of Reference


We are open to comments on the Terms of Reference.
These should be sent to by 31 March 2025

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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