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Lorna Jack

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Register of interests

1. Remuneration

Non-Executive Director/Chair, Highlands & Islands Airports Ltd (SC097647) – group which runs 11 airports in Scotland.
Non-Executive Director/Chair, wbg Holdings Ltd (SC716322) – group which provides accountancy and other professional services.

2. Other roles

Director Dundee Airports Ltd (SC325066) and Airport Management Services Ltd (SC353385) both subsidiaries of Highlands & Islands Airports Ltd.

3. Contracts


4. Houses, Land and Buildings


5. Interest in shares and securities

El Two Ltd. (SC520421) – 50% shareholding.

6. Gifts and Hospitality


7. Non-financial interests

Honorary Consul for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Scotland.

8. Close family members


SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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