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Register hereIn terms of SFC’s funding to universities, the directorate’s work supports the UK’s Dual Support System of research funding. Its main grant is the Research Excellence Grant. The grant is based on a periodic assessment of research quality in universities across the UK, and so members of SFC’s Research and Innovation directorate are involved in this exercise. The next Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment takes place in 2029.
The directorate is also responsible for SFC’s work in innovation where its investments create partnerships between academics and businesses. They include Scotland’s Innovation Centres, the and Interface, an SFC-funded organisation that matches businesses’ need for innovation with relevant academic expertise.
Helen Cross, Director of Research and Innovation, 0131 313 6500.
Director’s office
Anne Marie Elliot, PA to the Director, 0131 313 6623,
Jessica Grace, Strategic Delivery Manager, 0131 313 6541.
Dr Cat Ball, Assistant Director, 0131 313 6698.
Gary Bannon, Assistant Director, 0131 313 6518.
Morag Campbell, Assistant Director, 0131 313 6530.
Fiona Bates, Senior Policy Officer, Knowledge Exchange & Innovation, 0131 313 6609.
Joey Chopra, Senior Policy Officer, 0131 313 6641.
Dr Lauren Knight, Senior Policy Officer, 0131 313 6639.
Dr Charlotte Matheson, Senior Policy Analysis Officer, 0131 313 6500.
Hazel McGraw, Senior Policy Analysis Officer, 0131 313 6657.
Dr Julia Mitchell, Senior Policy Analysis Officer, 0131 313 6617.
Oliver Wright, Senior Policy Officer, 0131 313 6638.
Victoria Borthwick, Policy Officer, 0131 313 6500.
Jennifer Jamieson, Policy Officer, 0131 313 6621.
Morven Pritchard, Assistant Policy Officer, 0131 313 6665.
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SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.