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Regional Tertiary Pathfinders Pilot Projects

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On the left, a young man is pointing at papers glued on a wall. On the right a group of students chat on a historical site. In the centre of the image is the Regional Pathfinders logo.

An integral part of the Pathfinders programme, the seven pilot projects were key to our ‘learn by doing’ approach.

The Pathfinder pilot projects brought together colleges and universities to plan, shape and deliver new course provision and education pathways. The involvement of regional partners such as local authorities, enterprise agencies and health boards helped to ensure the projects responded to regional economic and skills priorities.

As the projects developed, pilot project leads shared their insights and understanding on collaborative approaches through working groups and meetings.

On completion of each project, a final report was produced to capture what had been learned. In the short videos that accompany each report people involved in the projects talk about their thoughts and experiences.

Pilot Projects

Learning from the Pilot Projects

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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