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Register hereThe Register of Interests provides information of any financial interest or other material benefit that a Board or Committee member receives which might reasonably be thought by others to influence his or her actions.
1. Remuneration
Employed as Professor Medicine and Strategic Advisor by Newcastle University.
Self employed as a consultant:
- Chair of strategic review panel for Southampton University.
- Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, Wellcome Discovery Research Platform/MRC Metabolic
Diseases Unit, Cambridge Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge.- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Actinogen Medical Ltd (a pharmaceutical company,
headquartered in Sydney, Australia).- Member, Health Sciences sub-panel, Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise 2026, organised by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong.
2. Other roles
3. Contracts
4. Houses, Land and Buildings
5. Interest in shares and securities
6. Gifts and Hospitality
7. Non-financial interests
Trustee, British Heart Foundation, a medical research charity headquartered in London.
Member, Strategic Advisory Board for LifeArc Translational Centres in Rare Disease; LifeArc is a charity promoting commercialisation in the medical and life sciences sector, headquartered in London.
Chair of the Board, National Innovation Centre for Ageing, hosted by Newcastle University.
Member, Independent Advisory Board, Population Research UK, a national research programme
funded by the Medical Research Council and hosted by the University of Bristol.
Chair, UK Rare Disease Research Landscape Steering Group, Department of Health and Social Care, UK Government.
Member, Russell Group Industrial Strategy Expert Panel, Russell Group; Russell Group is a UK
university mission group representing the 24 most research-intensive universities, headquartered in London.
8. Close family members
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.