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In-Year Redistribution of Student Support Funds 2024-25



  1. This letter announces the in-year redistribution of student support funding from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) to colleges for Academic Year (AY) 2024-25 and details the recovery and reallocation of unspent funds to support student funding needs across the sector.


  1. Demand for student support is difficult to predict. Therefore, to match annual SFC funding to demand as closely as possible, we carry out an annual in-year redistribution exercise. Colleges are not permitted to use student support funding for purposes other than those specified, and we recover funds that colleges do not expect to use in the current year, as well as any unspent funds from the previous year. We use the funds returned to us to re-allocate to colleges that need additional student support in the current year.
  2. SFC invited colleges to relinquish unspent student support funds or request an increase to their AY 2024-25 student support funding allocations in a Call for Information letter published on 19 November 2024.

Additional funding requested/relinquished for AY 2024-25

  1. The net total of additional student support funding requested (considering funds relinquished) by colleges for AY 2024-25 is £7 million. SFC will be able to meet this request in full.
  2. The table in Annex A details the funding amounts requested or relinquished by each college/region. The table shows the total additional funding to be paid out in AY 2024-25, along with a breakdown across the two Financial Years (FYs) 2024-25 and 2025-26. Any relinquished funds will be recovered from colleges in FY 2025-26 (between April – July 2025).

Recovery of unspent funds and adjustments to budgets

  1. Colleges receiving additional funds will have their AY 2024-25 student support funding budgets increased by the amount of additional funding that they have been allocated, as detailed in the table at Annex A. These updated budgets will be reflected in incorporated colleges’ monthly cash-flow pro-formas. Colleges that requested additional funds in FY 2024-25 (by the end of March 2025) will receive the funds in March 2025. Colleges that requested additional funds in FY 2025-26 (between April-July 2025) will receive the funds in April 2025.
  2. For multi-college regions, we have set out in Annex A the amounts requested by individual colleges within each region. Regional Strategic Bodies should note the allocations to individual colleges. Multi-college regions may action in-year transfers of student support funding between colleges within their region.
  3. The table in Annex B details the student support funding amounts remaining from AY 2023-24 to be returned by each college/region. Colleges that are returning unused funds will have their overall FY student support budget reduced by the amount of funding that they are returning. For those colleges that have already adjusted their budgets in July 2024, the March 2025 adjustment to be made will take into account the funds previously not drawn down. This is shown in Annex B, under the column ‘Remaining funding adjustments to be made in March 2025’.
  4. Colleges will not be able to claim funding above their revised budgets. Should this cause any short-term cash-flow issues, please contact Catherine Atkinson, Senior Budgeting & Reporting Officer, tel: 0131 313 6540, email: Any general queries on the payment process should also be directed to Catherine Atkinson in the first instance.

Management of payment of funds

  1. SFC will contact colleges in May 2025 to seek clarification of their near final position on student support spend in AY 2024-25. Colleges that are forecasting a significant underspend against their budget will have their June and July 2025 payments reduced or will be asked to return surplus funds to SFC, rather than waiting until the AY 2025-26 redistribution exercise in Autumn/Winter 2025.

Conditions of grant and reporting requirements

  1. The reallocation of student support funding set out above must only be used for the purpose(s) for which it is allocated. The SFC retains the right to audit relevant documentation to satisfy itself that this is the case (and the institution undertakes that it will provide such assistance as SFC requires).
  2. These student support funds are for AY 2024-25. Colleges/regions will be asked to report on their use of these funds after the end of AY 2024-25. Any unspent funds will be recovered as part of the AY 2025-26 in-year redistribution exercise.
  3. SFC may recover funding for non-compliance of any of the conditions of grant or reporting requirements.

Further information

  1. If you require any additional information, please contact the SFC Student Support Team at

Richard Maconachie FCCA
Director of Finance

Annex A: In-year redistribution of student support funding for AY 2024-25

College/Region Additional funding requested/relinquished for full AY 24-25 Additional funding requested to end Mar 25 Additional funding requested Apr – Jul 25 Total adjustment to funding
Ayrshire College £0 £0 £0 £0
Borders College -£100,000 £0 £0 -£100,000
Dumfries & Galloway College £160,000 £70,000 £90,000 £160,000
Dundee & Angus College £150,000 £150,000 £0 £150,000
Edinburgh College £151,000 £151,000 £0 £151,000
Fife College £0 £0 £0 £0
Forth Valley College £0 £0 £0 £0
Glasgow Region £400,000 £182,143 £217,857 £400,000
Glasgow RSB
City of Glasgow College £250,000 £107,143 £142,857 £250,000
Glasgow Clyde College £0 £0 £0 £0
Glasgow Kelvin College £150,000 £75,000 £75,000 £150,000
Highlands & Islands Region £250,000 £220,000 £30,000 £250,000
UHI RSB        
UHI Inverness £100,000 £100,000 £0 £100,000
UHI Moray £0 £0 £0 £0
UHI North, West & Hebrides  £0 £0 £0 £0
UHI Orkney £0 £0 £0 £0
UHI Perth £150,000 £120,000 £30,000 £150,000
UHI Shetland £0 £0 £0 £0
Lanarkshire Region £1,990,000 £1,270,000 £720,000 £1,990,000
Lanarkshire RSB
New College Lanarkshire £1,490,000 £800,000 £690,000 £1,490,000
South Lanarkshire College £500,000 £470,000 £30,000 £500,000
Newbattle Abbey College £0 £0 £0 £0
North East Scotland College £1,400,000 £900,000 £500,000 £1,400,000
SRUC £75,000 £75,000 £0 £75,000
West College Scotland £0 £0 £0 £0
West Lothian College £250,000 £125,000 £125,000 £250,000
TOTAL £4,726,000 £3,143,143 £1,682,857 £4,726,000

Annex B: Recovery of student support underspend for AY 2023-24 and adjustments to budgets

College/Region Funding adjustments made in July 24 Remaining funding adjustments to be made in Mar 25 Total adjustment to funding
Ayrshire College £0 -£320,999 -£320,999
Borders College £0 -£215,795 -£215,795
Dumfries & Galloway College £0 -£333,404 -£333,404
Dundee & Angus College -£638,327 -£485,009 -£1,123,336
Edinburgh College £0 -£416,572 -£416,572
Fife College £0 -£2,423,263 -£2,423,263
Forth Valley College -£650,000 -£178,972 -£828,972
Glasgow Region £0 -£531,115 -£531,115
Glasgow RSB £0 £0 £0
City of Glasgow College £0 -£122,104 -£122,104
Glasgow Clyde College £0 -£400,493 -£400,493
Glasgow Kelvin College £0 -£8,518 -£8,518
Highlands & Islands Region -£512,789 -£1,368,743 -£1,881,532
UHI RSB £0 £0 £0
UHI Inverness £0 -£579,242 -£579,242
UHI Moray £0 -£211,258 -£211,258
UHI North, West & Hebrides  £0 -£333,594 -£333,594
UHI Orkney £0 -£31,188 -£31,188
UHI Perth -£512,789 -£195,134 -£707,923
UHI Shetland £0 -£18,327 -£18,327
Lanarkshire Region -£606,147 -£848,404 -£1,454,551
Lanarkshire RSB £0 £0 £0
New College Lanarkshire £0 -£711,979 -£711,979
South Lanarkshire College -£606,147 -£136,425 -£742,572
Newbattle Abbey College £0 -£91,193 -£91,193
North East Scotland College £0 -£57,042 -£57,042
SRUC £0 -£66,845 -£66,845
West College Scotland £0 -£172,959 -£172,959
West Lothian College £0 -£27,501 -£27,501
TOTAL -£2,407,263 -£7,537,816 -£9,945,079

SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27

Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.

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