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Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme and NHS Pension Scheme Funding for Universities 2024-25



  1. I am writing to announce the allocation of additional funding for universities to support the change to the Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme (STPS) and NHS Pension Scheme employer contribution rates for the period April 2024 to March 2025.


  1. Following on from the STPS employer contribution rate increase from 23.0% to 26.0% from 1 April 2024, and the NHS Pension Scheme employer contribution rate increase from 20.9% to 22.5% from 1 April 2024, the Scottish Government has advised that funding allocations from the UK Government for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 have now been confirmed, with the Scottish Government agreeing to provide additional funding of £5.83 million for the university sector.
  2. Having worked with the sector to determine the projected increase in costs during the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025, SFC is now able to confirm institution level funding which is shown in Annex A.
  3. You should note that the funding provided covers the additional costs incurred in the period to 31 March 2025.
  4. The pensions funding provided for SRUC is included in the college funding announcement.

Payment of funds

  1. Payment will be made in full to universities in February 2025.

Further information

  1. If you require any additional information, please contact Richard Maconachie, Director of Finance, email: Graeme Scotland, Senior Budgeting & Reporting Officer, email: in the first instance.

Richard Maconachie FCCA
Director of Finance

Annex A: STPS and NHS Pension Scheme funding allocations for universities 2024-25

Annex A: STPS and NHS Pension Scheme funding allocations for universities 2024-25
Institution Total funding for pensions FY 2024-25 (£)
Aberdeen, University of 48,000
Abertay University 312,843
Dundee, University of 91,549
Edinburgh Napier University 1,331,000
Edinburgh, University of 195,721
Glasgow Caledonian University 1,037,000
Glasgow School of Art 305,077
Glasgow, University of 185,907
Heriot-Watt University 5,082
Highlands & Islands, University of the 0
Open University in Scotland 0
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh 383,449
Robert Gordon University 454,831
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 240,000
St Andrews, University of 13,307
Stirling, University of 0
Strathclyde, University of 2,408
West of Scotland, University of the 1,222,059
Total 5,828,233

* Included in college announcement

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