The 145th meeting of the Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council
Date: 28 June 2024
Time: 1000am-1300pm
Venue: In the Boardroom, Apex 1
Verbal (Mr M Cantlay) To note
SFC (2024) 053 (Mr M Cantlay) To approve
SFC (2024) 054 (Mr M Cantlay) / To approve
SFC (2024) 055 (Mr M Cantlay) / To note
SFC (2024) 056 (Mr M Boyle) / To note
SFC (2024) 057 (Ms L Baker) / To note
SFC (2024) 058 (Ms L Baker) / To approve
SFC (2024) 059 (Ms H Gibson) / To note
Presentation (Ms H Gibson; Ms L Raeside; Mr S McDonald; Ms L Baker) / To note
Verbal (Mr M Cantlay) / To note
Verbal (Mr R Maconachie; Ms U Lodge) / To note
Verbal (Mr M Cantlay) / To note
SFC (2024) 060 (Professor L Yellowlees) / To note
SFC (2024) 061 (M L Jack) / To note
SFC (2024) 062 (Ms M Harrington) / To note
SFC (2024) 063 (Ms M Harrington) / To note
SFC (2024) 064 (Ms S Duncan) / To note
SFC Strategic Plan 2022-27
Building a connected, agile, sustainable tertiary education and research system for Scotland.